How to Wage an Effective Publicity Campaign...Without Going Broke

About Michael
Michael Levine has been referred to as the Michael Jordan of entertainment P.R. He has been a Hollywood publicist for decades and worked with celebrities such as Michael Jackson, George Carlin, and Barbra Streisand. In total, he has represented 58 Academy Award winners, 34 Grammy Award winners, and 43 New York Times best-selling authors.
Michael has written dozens of books on public relations and business, including the best-selling Broken Windows Broken Business. He is also a sought after speaker and commentator, appearing in publications such as Forbes, the USA Today, and Huffington Post, and on major television programs such as Fox News and Good Morning America.
Expert Tips from PR Professionals
When you have no idea how to grow your business through marketing, Allan Dib presents a significant lesson and learning tool in his latest book The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, and Stand Out from the Crowd. While the title might suggest that you only need one page to make it […]
Read more...Seth Godin is a storyteller, an edgy marketing guru pushing the idea that the main weapon of marketers now is no longer advertising, but storytelling. In this digital age, where attention is scarce, the best storytellers win. This is the basic concept taught in the book All Marketers are Liars He emphasizes, “Marketing is storytelling. […]
Read more...Every once in a while, a business comes along and does something so stupid that it is no wonder why they are attacked online. One of the most recent I remember is the case of Big Earl’s Bait House which refused to serve a customer because they “don’t serve fags.” But then, someone comes along […]